피부를 건조시킬 때 피부를 문지
르지 않는 것이 좋습니다.5
카네스텐®은 50여년의 시간을 통해 검증된 효과적인 항진균제입니다.6
1. Healthdirect. Health topics A-Z > Summer skin rashes. Available at: https://www.healthdirect.gov.au/summer-skin-rashes , October 21, 2022.
2. Familydoctor.org. Home> Diseases and Conditions>Intertrigo. Available at: https://familydoctor.org/condition/intertrigo/ , October 21, 2022.
3. Janniger CK, et al. Intertrigo and Common Secondary Skin Infections. Am Fam Physician. 2005;72;833-838.
4. 대한피부과학회. Textbook of Dermatology. 피부과학 제6판 도서출판대한의학. 2014:420-437.
5. NHS. Patient information. Available at: https://www.wsh.nhs.uk/CMS-Documents/Patient-leaflets/BreastCare/6369-1-Understanding-under-breast-soreness-intertigo.pdf , Accessed on October 21, 2022.
6. J.Müller. Manfred Plempel-Leben und Werk. Blackwell Wissenschafts-Verlag GmbH. 1998:20-26.
7. DermNet NZ. Home>Topic A-Z> Candidal intertrigo. Available at: https://dermnetnz.org/topics/candidiasis-of-skin-folds/ , Accessed on October 21, 2022.
*3. 카네스텐®크림 품목신고증.
*4. 카네스텐®산제 품목신고증.